Andreas Zampella

Andreas Zampella (Salerno, 1989) lives and works in Milan; he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples.
All elements of his work are composed as if parts of a theatrical production: the painting is the setting for actions and non-actions, a metaphor for the observer; tools and sculptures become props, whose meaning changes, is discovered in space; all things experience a condition of continuous action. Within these guidelines, his work investigates the relationship between reality and representation in society, admitting the failure of communication in contemporary times. Like half-open thresholds or exits, his works oscillate on the cusp between weariness and anxiety, lament and accusation, obligation and boredom, individual and collectivity, and do so indolently, hypocritically, in the full paradox of reality. Recent solo exhibitions: Passaggio al buio, as part of the Portfolio section of the Quotidiana project of the Quadriennale di Roma, Museo di Roma, Palazzo Braschi, Rome (2023); Dove nascono gli uccelli, Nashira Gallery, Milan (2023); Eravamo cuori in Atlantide, z2o project, Rome (2024). Recent group exhibitions include: Di città, di boschi, di uccelli, Officine San Carlo, Naples (2022); Premio Lissone 2023, MAC – Museo d’Arte Contemporanea di Lissone (2023); Lettere intorno a un giardino, Galleria Alfonso Artiaco, Naples (2024).
