Fabio Marullo

Fabio Marullo (Catania, 1973) lives and works in Milan. After graduating with a degree in Architecture, History and Conservation of Cultural Heritage from the Faculty of Architecture, IUSA Reggio Calabria, he won a scholarship to take the 2nd level master’s program in Design and Production of Visual Arts at the Faculty of Arts and Design, IUAV Venice. He has also taught at the Photography workshop run by the “Aldo Rossi” Faculty of Architecture at Bologna University and the Faculty of Art and Design IUAV, Venice.

Although his work is closely bound up with the identity of places and the organisms that inhabit them, it is rooted in a very real dimension that revolves around physical and empirically determined processes, such as observing what remains of plants, roots, fossils, parts of insects, and parasitic or functional chemical processes. The artist is continuously questioning these phenomena, embracing doubt and accommodating multiple possibilities. Striving to arrive at a defined form, his practice is a process of creation and transformation, something which becomes something else. Accounts of different times and places are translated into paintings, installations, sculptures and drawings, works that narrate and theorize a subjective attitude that manifests new ways of recounting knowledge.
Solo exhibitions of Marullo’s work include: Archaelogy at Effearte Gallery in Milan (2015); The Wisdom of Light at Spazio Plus P in Milan (2014); The Aid of a Leaf Enriches a Gem at Lab-Yit in Beijing (2012); Il mondo scivola at Carta Bianca Fine Arts Gallery in Catania (2011), and Balance Project at Gemist Gallery – Valkenberg Park in Breda (2006).

He has also participated in numerous group exhibitions at public and private institutions including: We Are the Flood/ Noi siamo il diluvio at S.A.S.S – Spazio Archeologico Sotterraneo at Sas in Trento (2022); Fabula Experita at Palazzo Serbelloni in Milan (2021); Tetrahedron at Otto Gallery in Bologna (2021); Ein Ausflug in Den Wald / Una gita nel bosco at Haarmann Bloedow Haus in Berlin and MAC – Museo d’Arte Contemporanea in Lissone (2015); Tales of the Jazz Age at Spazio Plus P in Milan (2013); Contemporaneo.doc/DOCVA at MAXXI – Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo in Rome (2010); CHOICES.IT at Galleria Civica d’Arte Contemporanea Montevergini in Siracusa (2007); Talk to the City at Viafarini – Fabbrica del Vapore in Milan (2006); Guardarsi intorno at Galleria A+A in Venice (2004); In movimento at Viafarini – Fabbrica del Vapore in Milan (2003), and the 86th group exhibition at Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa in Venice (2002).

He has taken part in artist residencies including CPH AIR – Copenhagen International Visiting Artist in Copenhagen (2015); VIR viafarini in residence in Milan (2013) and Red Gate Residency in Beijing (2012). In 2015 he conceived and curated the touring exhibition Ein Ausflug in Den Wald / Una gita nel bosco, held at the Haarmann Bloedow Haus in Berlin and the MAC – Museo d’Arte Contemporanea in Lissone. He has also been Visiting Lecturer at the IUAV University in Venice, IED in Milan, NABA in Milan and the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art in Copenhagen.

