Gianluca Brando

Gianluca Brando (Maratea, 1990) lives and works in Milan. After studying at the Academies of Fine Arts in Rome and Venice, from 2014 to 2017 he lived in Taipei where he developed his work in the context of art residencies and shared studios. Upon his return to Italy, between 2018 and 2019, he was a guest in several residency programs: Cripta747 in Turin, Viafarini and Officine Saffi in Milan. The reuse, reflection on and transformation of seemingly marginal objects are the starting point of his research. Through his sculptural practice, natural elements, industrial tools, archaeological or everyday fetishes are processed and combined to create autonomous ecosystems that seem to come from other civilizations. His work addresses the anxieties and hopes of this historical moment, engaging the audience with poetic imagery capable of probing the contradictions of the present. Recent solo exhibitions and projects: Gianluca Brando – residency exhibition, Officine Saffi, Milan (2018); Qui e là, Spazio Taverna, Rome (2021); Senza Nome, Riss(e), Varese (2022). Group exhibitions include: Imagina, XXVII Biennale d’arte contemporanea di Gubbio, Palazzo dei Consoli and Palazzo Ducale, Gubbio (2023-2024); Arte circolare, MAXXI – Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Rome (2023). He has exhibited as a finalist in several awards, including the Talent Prize(editions 2021, 2023), Premio Conai (2022) and Premio Francesco Fabbri (2015, 2017, 2020 editions). His work has also been presented in institutional contexts such as Fondazione Adolfo Pini, Milan (2020) and Fondazione SoutHeritage, Matera (2020).
