ph. Charlotte Lartilleux

Gianluigi Colin

Gianluigi Colin (Pordenone, 1956) lives and works in Milan. For many years he has been carrying out artistic research about the dialogue between images and words. His work originated as an investigation into the past, on the sense of representation, and the stratification of the gaze. His poetics is filled with references to art history and news, which tends to place memory and topicality on the same plan, blurring the boundaries between ages. This poetic has a strong civil and ethical commitment, aiming to restore strong militant values to the artistic experience. His solo exhibitions were held in numerous Italian and foreign institutions, including: Arengario in Milan, 1998; Centro Cultural Recoleta in Buenos Aires, 2002; Museo Manege in St. Petersburg, 2003; Bienal del Fin del Mundo in Ushuaia, 2007; Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Donnaregina – Museo MADRE in Naples, 2011; Museo Istituto d’Arte Moderna – IVAM in Valencia, 2011; Fondazione Marconi in Milan, 2012; Galleria d’ Arte Moderna e Contemporanea in Pordenone, 2014; MARCA – Museo delle Arti in Catanzaro, 2016-2017; Triennale Milano, 2018; Visionarea Art Space in Rome, 2019; and Palazzo del Governatore in Parma, 2020, on the occasion of the Parma Capital of Culture events. He was main character of several performances (organised in various parts of the world), he was invited to “Valencia09” (at the IVAM in Valencia, in 2009) and he was selected for the Italian Pavilion of the 54th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale in 2011.
Some of his works can be found in private and public collections, in Italy and abroad. Colin has been art director of the “Corriere della Sera” for many years; he is currently cover editor of “la Lectura” and “la Lectura” of “El Mundo”, in Madrid. He gives lectures, seminars, and university courses. He has written numerous essays and articles on photography, visual communication, and he currently writes about art in the cultural pages of the “Corriere della Sera”.


