José Angelino
José Angelino (Ragusa, 1977) lives and works in Rome. In 2013 he gained the Prize for the Visual Arts from the Fondazione Toti Scialoja. In 2014 he took part to European Glass Experience promoted by Consorzio Promovetro di Murano, a large international exhibition that travelled in the most relevant glass museums of Europe. In 2016 he received the Arte Fiera 40 prize, on the occasion of Bologna Arte Fiera’s 40th anniversary and in 2017 he obtained the Artribune prize during the NEXST Festival in Turin. He participated to numerous important exhibitions, such as: Resistenze, Palazzo Collicola, Spoleto, 2021; Real Utopias, Manifesta 13, Marseille, 2020; INSIEME, Mura Aureliane, Rome, 2020; Sometimes It Leaps Forth, Seen, Antwerpen, 2020; Corteggiamenti, Galleria Alessandra Bonomo, Rome, 2019; Cinque mostre, American Academy, Rome, 2018; NEXST, Turin, 2017; Confini Apparenti, Intragallery, Naples, 2017; There Is No Place Like Home, Rome, 2016; Scarecrows, Domaine Sigalas, Santorini, 2016; Artefiera 40, Pinacoteca di Bologna, Bologna, 2016; Fljotstunga Residency, Iceland,2016; Swing, Galleria Alessandra Bonomo, Rome, 2015; Lunghezze d’onda, Palazzo Sforza Cesarini, Genzano, 2015; 519+40, Fondazione Pastificio Cerere, Rome, 2015; Siderare, Forte Portuense – Fondazione Volume, Rome, 2015; European Glass Experience, Museu do Vidro da Marinha Grande, Real Fábrica de Vidrio de la Granja Segovia, Museo del Vetro Murano, 2014; Accesa, Palazzo Parissi, Monteprandone, 2014; Unisono, Temple University, Rome, 2013; Ho qualcosa da dire e da fare, Ex Mattatoio di Testaccio, Roma, 2013.