Pascale Martine Tayou

Pascale Marthine Tayou

For the past twenty five years, Pascale Marthine Tayou (Nkongsamba, Cameroon, 1966) has been a leading voice in the field contemporary art.

His work has been the subject of institutional solo exhibitions at the Bass Museum in Miami, CAC in Malaga, Spain, Bozar in Brussels, Kunsthalle in Bregenz, Austria, M.A.C.R.O. in Rome, MUDAM in Luxembourg, MAC in Lyon, Malmö Konsthall, Sweden, Kunsthalle in Wien, Marta Herford, Germany, SMAK in Ghent, Belgium, Portikus in Frankfurt, Germany, Palais de Tokyo in Paris and Kunsthalle Bern, Switzerland.

He also had several solo exhibitions with Galleria Continua in San Giminiano, Italy, Beijing, and Boissy-le-Châtel, France.
His work has been exhibited in group exhibitions at institutions such as the MAXXI in Rome, Pinchuk Art Center in Kiev, Vuitton Foundation in Paris, the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, ZEITH MOOCA in Cape Town, Louisiana Museum of Art in Humlebaek, Denmark, MACBA in Buenos Aires, Museum für Moderne Kunst in Frankfurt, Germany, Hayward Gallery in London, Musée du Louvre in Paris, The Garage Centre for Contemporary Culture in Moscow, Hangar Bicocca in Milan, Nomas Foundation in Rome, Centre Pompidou in Paris, Museum Kunst Palast in Düsseldorf, Germany, Mori Art Museum in Tokyo, Musée d’art Moderne de la ville de Paris, and Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo in Turin.

He participated in the 1997 editions of the Havana, Kwangju and Johannesburg Biennale, the 1998 Sydney Biennale, the 1999 Liverpool Biennale, the 2000 editions of the Lyon and Taipei Biennales, the 2001 Berlin Biennale, 2002 editions of Documenta and Sao Paulo Biennale, the 2003 editions of Sculpture Project, Istanbul Biennale and Tate Triennial, the 2005 and 2009 editions of the Venice Biennale, the 2006 Havana Biennale, the 2008 edition of Prospect in New Orleans and Art Focus in Jerusalem, the 2012 editions of the Shanghai and Marrakech Biennales, the 2013 Sharjah Biennale, the 2018 edition of Dak’art in Darak.
