
Giovanni Campus. Time in Process. Ratios, Measures, Connections


Giovanni Campus – Time in Process is the catalogue of the solo exhibition in two chapters (BUILDING, Milan, 13.09.2019 – 12.10.2019 and MA*GA, Gallarate, 21.09.2019 – 11.11.2019) that BUILDING has dedicated to Giovanni Campus from September 13th to October 12th, 2019.

This volume offers a panorama of contributions related to the work of Giovanni Campus, a text by the artist himself and the report of a talk organized at BUILDING focusing on theoretical aspects of geometry, time and space in the body of work by Giovanni Campus.

Curated by BUILDING

Bilingual, Italian / English

Authors: Silvana Borutti, Giovanni Campus, Bruno D’Amore, Margherita Strada, Francesco Tedeschi, Emma Zanella.

Photography: Flavio Pescatori

Swiss paperback binding
Soft cover
Printed on GMUND Matte 93 350 gr, Arctic Volume White 150 gr
77 ill. in colors, 84 ill. b/w
typography in Poynter Oldstyle Text, Avenir

ISBN 978-88-943400-5-1

233 pages
29,5 x 18,4 cm