
Jan Fabre. The Castles in the Hour Blue


Jan Fabre – The Castles in the Hour Blue is the catalogue of the solo exhibition that BUILDING has dedicated to Jan Fabre from September 22nd to December 22nd, 2018.

This volume offers several contributions, a text by the curator and it includes a witness of theatrical reading hosted at BUILDING during the exhibition.

Curated by BUILDING

Bilingual, Italian / English.

Authors: Jean Blanchaert, Giovanni Iovane, Melania Rossi

Contributors: Emanuela Daffra, Monsignor Marco Navoni, Moshe Tabibnia

Photography: © Attilio Maranzano

Swiss paperback binding
Soft cover
Printed on GMUND Max White 300 gr, Arctic Volume White 150 gr
83 ill. in colors, 21 ill. b/w
typography in Poynter Oldstyle Text, Avenir
printed in July 2019 by Arti Grafiche Meroni srl

ISBN 978-88-943400-2-0