
Leiko Ikemura. Before Thunder, After Dark


Leiko Ikemura. Before Thunder, After Dark is the exhibition catalogue that BUILDING has dedicated to Leiko Ikemura in 2021. This is the first publication in Italian language about this artist.

Curated by BUILDING
Bilingual, Italian / English
Authors: Frank Boehm, Quinn Latimer, Alessandro Rabottini
Photography: Roberto Marossi
Swiss paperback binding
Soft cover
Printed on GMUND Max White 300 gr, Arctic Volume White 150 gr
141 ill. in colors, 19 ill. b/n
Typography in Poynter Oldstyle Text, Avenir
Printed in May 2021 by Galli Thierry Stampa srl
ISBN 9788894577617
297 pages
29,5 x 18,4 cm