
Remo Salvadori. Continuo infinito presente


Continuo Infinito Presente is the catalogue of the inaugural exhibition at BUILDING, a solo exhibition by Remo Salvadori.

This volume, presented on the occasion of the first anniversary of BUILDING, offers a rich panorama of contributions from numerous authors and includes some witnesses on the events that took place at BUILDING.

Curated by Remo Salvadori, Moshe Tabibnia

Bilingual, Italian / English

Authors: Roberto Borghi, Eva Fabbris, Romano Gasparotti, Antonella Soldaini, Tommaso Trini.

Contributors: Antonella Commellato, Fabio Giommi, Elio Marchesini, Sandro Mussida, Olivia Salvadori, Gianluca Poldi.

Photography: Agostino Osio

Swiss paperback binding
Soft cover
Printed on GMUND Max White 300 gr, Arctic Volume White 150 gr
43 ill. in colors, 29 ill. b/w
typography in Poynter Oldstyle Text, Avenir

ISBN 978-88-943400-0-6

211 pages
29,5 x 18,4 cm