
Remo Salvadori. Continuo Infinito Presente – box


A limited edition box of 36, with a signed and numbered catalog in a special edition of the exhibition Remo Salvadori. Continuo Infinito Presente, 2017. Inside each box there is the artwork Continuo Infinito Presente, 2018, steel, 1,2 x Ø 13 cm.

This volume offers a rich panorama of contributions from numerous authors and includes some witnesses on the events that took place at BUILDING during the exhibition, such as the workshop Darsi Tempo and the musical event Movimento III by Sandro Mussida with Oliva Salvadori and Elio Marchesini and the video Continuo Infinito Presente, 2018 directed by Rebecca Salvadori.

Curated by Remo Salvadori, Moshe Tabibnia

Authors: Roberto Borghi, Eva Fabbris, Romano Gasparotti, Antonella Soldaini, Tommaso Trini, Antonella Commellato, Fabio Giommi, Elio Marchesini, Sandro Mussida, Olivia Salvadori, Gianluca Poldi.

Photography: Agostino Osio

Swiss paperback binding
Soft cover
Printed on GMUND Max White 300 gr, Arctic Volume White 150 gr
43 ill. in colors, 29 ill. b/w
typography in Poynter Oldstyle Text, Avenir

ISBN 978-88-943400-0-6

216 pages
book 29,5 x 18,4 cm – box 30,5 x 20 x 6 cm