
Tadashi Kawamata. Nests in Milan


Tadashi Kawamata. Nests in Milan is the exhibition’s catalogue that BUILDING dedicated to the exhibition by Japanese artist Tadashi Kawamata, curated by Antonella Soldaini, in 2022.
Known internationally for his multidisciplinary projects, Kawamata (Hokkaido 1953) exhibited for the first time in Milan a series of wooden site specific installations for the occasion.

Curated by BUILDING

Bilingual, Italian / English

Authors: Chiara Rita Contin, Emilia Giorgi, Antonella Soldaini

Photography: Paolo Riolzi

Swiss paperback binding

Soft cover

Printed on GMUND Max White 300 gr, Arctic Volume White 150 gr

85 ill. In colors, 112 ill. b/n

Typography in Poynter Oldstyle Text, Avenir

Printed in 2023 by Galli Thierry Stampa srl

ISBN 9788894577631

377 pages

29,5 x 18,4 cm