Bizhan Bassiri – Venti di ottobre – IL DILEMMA


This year the day will be dedicated to the theme proposed by artist Bizhan Bassiri: The Dilemma. How would the world continue to exist without being reflected in our eyes?, a question drawn from reflection 64 of the Magmatic Thought Manifesto (1986-2023). The Foundation’s goals include multi-disciplinarity and fostering dialogue between the arts and artists. The initiative, coordinated by Aldo Iori, includes a series of moments that will take place throughout the day: a round table discussion with interventions by artists, philosophers, astrophysicists and curators, individual interventions, readings, concerts with some premiere pieces as well as the presentation of new works inside the Caveau and in the spaces of the Foundation, including works by artists such as Remo Salvadori, Sean Shanahan and Shlomo Harush.
