Delphine Valli

Delphine Valli

Delphine Valli (Champigny-sur-Marne, France, 1972) lives and works in Rome, where she graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts, specializing in Sculpture in 2002. Her artistic research originates from the fascination she felt in observing reality; stimulating the apparent immutability of things. She explores tensions between artistic interventions and the space, which she uses as a plastic element.

She exhibited her work in galleries and private spaces, as well as public institutions, among which: MANIFESTA13; Maison R&C, Marseille; in Rome, AlbumArte, Institut Français, MAXXI, Accademia Nazionale di San Luca, Ex Elettrofonica e Seminaria Sogninterra, Festival Biennale di Arte Ambientale, Maranola; Jade Carving Art Museum, Suzhou, China; Digital District, Paris; Ex Convento Domenicano, Muro Leccese; CIAC, Genazzano; Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, Perugia; Festival Euromediterraneo, Altomonte; Ninni Esposito arte contemporanea, Bari; MuseoLaboratorio, Città Sant’Angelo.
She teaches Performative Techniques for Visual Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome.

