Letizia Cariello

Letizia Cariello was born into a Neapolitan family known as sculptors for more than 200 years. Today she lives and works in Milan. She graduated in History of Art at the University of Milan and after working in the cinema industry in Italy and the United States, she took a degree in painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Brera, Milan.
Her works – drawings, installations, video and sculptures – are currently on display in public and private collections around the world, including: the National Museum of Women in the Arts, the Washington DC Museum; the Mint Museum, Charlotte, NC; the collection of Tony and Heather Podesta, Washington DC; the Farnesina collection – Experimenta, Italian Foreign Office, Rome; Museion / Ar-Ge Kunst, Bolzano; the collection of Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin; the Etro collection, Venice; the Borromeo collection, Milan; the Rusconi Art Project collection, Agrate Conturbia, Collezione Bag – Uni L. Bocconi, the Trussardi Foundation and many others. She has had solo and group shows in leading museums, such as Triennale di Milano (2018), MART in Rovereto (2003 and 2001), and Kunstverein Ludvigsburg (2002). Other important solo shows include “Il tuo cielo è verde” at Filatoio Rosso di Caraglio (2021), and group exhibitions such as the eighth edition of BAG – Bocconi Art Gallery (2021).

