Lorenza Boisi

Lorenza Boisi (Milan, 1972) lives and works in Milan and Lake Maggiore. She studied at the Royal Dutch Academy in The Hague, at the Leith School of Art in Edinburgh, at Villa Arson in Nice and she specialised in Germanic philology at IULM – Istituto Universitario Lingue Moderne in Milan; her passion for ceramics, which she learned in Faenza and self-taught, was perfected at CERCCO – Centre d’experimentation et de réalisation en céramique contemporaine in Geneva. She works with galleries such as: Ribot Gallery in Milan, Marignana Arte in Venice, and Traffic Gallery in Bergamo. The artist played a leading role – or, as she likes to define herself as a, “cultural agitator” – in the founding and management of various projects and experimental spaces (MARS – Milan Artist Run Space in Milan, CARS – Cusio Artist Residency Space in Omegna); she was director of MIDeC – Museo Internazionale del Design Ceramico in Laveno Mombello.
She has exhibited in numerous solo and group exhibitions at international museums and galleries. Her recent institutional solo exhibitions include: In fondo dal giardino, un volto verde, MIC – Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche, Faenza (2017); Un Dimanche à la Campagne, Villa Vertua Masolo, Nova Milanese (2017); Luxe, calme & volupté – Vitrine Carte Blanche, Musée Ariana, Musée suisse de la céramique et du verre, Geneva (2015). Her ceramic works have been exhibited in several international exhibitions including: In Bianco. La Porcellana nella ceramica d’arte italiana, International Ceramic Art Biennale, Jingdezhen (2022), then set up again at Palazzo del Podestà, Faenza (2023); Italia Zokugo, Italian Cultural Institute of Tokyo, Tokyo (2021); Passaggi di Stato, Reggia di Caserta, Caserta (2018); Materia Montelupo, Palazzo Podestarile, Montelupo Fiorentino (2017-2018); while her paintings were recently exhibited in the large group show Pittura Italiana Oggi at the Milan Triennale (2023-2024).
