Bizhan Bassiri. Creazione

30.01.2025 – 22.03.2025

Bizhan Bassiri. Creazione, curated by Bruno Corà, is the first major solo exhibition of the Italian-Persian artist (Tehran, 1954) that BUILDING Gallery is hosting in its spaces from January 30th to March 22nd, 2025.


The exhibition, developed on the three exhibition floors of the gallery, transports the visitor into an ancestral and timeless dimension, in which the works, which seem to emerge from a magmatic universe, take shape from time to time in sculpturespaintings and drawings marked by specific materials and colors. From the dominant red of the ground floor, through the blue pigment used in the works on the first floor, to the pitch-black darkness of the second floor, in which – the artist suggests – “Observing in the darkness, the Darkness I see.”

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