Festa araba a Brera

cammello di nome Badoglio


Ph. Archivio Garghetti, Milan

Cari Amici Artisti – Talk

08.06.2023, 17:30

Thursday, June 8th 2023, at 5.30PM
at BUILDING, second floor


Moderated by:
Alberto Fiz, curator of the exhibition “Aldo Mondino. Regole per l’inganno”
Antonio Mondino, Aldo Mondino Archive


Artists speak:
Stefano Arienti
Corrado Bonomi
Gabriele Picco


Aldo Mondino’s ironic and transgressive research had constantly challenged the aesthetic dogmas, by opposing any form of conformity.
What is his legacy today?
How had it influenced contemporary artistic research?
This talk will feature some of the artists who in total freedom have freely interpreted his teaching. Meetings, memories, anecdotes, testimonies, to honor a great protagonist of art and culture that today, almost twenty years after his death, continues to surprise us with the extraordinary relevance of his language.


The event will be in Italian


Reservation is required, limited places
RSPV: events@building-gallery.com or +39 0289094995

