Installation view Hidetoshi Nagasawa. 1969-2018

Casa degli Artisti

ph. Michele Alberto Sereni


Installation view Hidetoshi Nagasawa. 1969-2018

Casa degli Artisti

ph. Michele Alberto Sereni


Installation view Hidetoshi Nagasawa. 1969-2018

Casa degli Artisti

ph. Michele Alberto Sereni


Installation view Hidetoshi Nagasawa. 1969-2018

Casa degli Artisti

ph. Michele Alberto Sereni


Installation view Hidetoshi Nagasawa. 1969-2018

Casa degli Artisti

ph. Michele Alberto Sereni


Hidetoshi Nagasawa
Compasso di Archimede
126 x 590 x 450 cm
ph. Shigeo Anzai


Hidetoshi Nagasawa
Sketch-study for Casa del Poeta [Poet’s House] (1999)
black ink pen and colored pencil on paper
29,6 x 21 cm


Hidetoshi Nagasawa
Sketch-study for Libellula [Dragonfly] (1999)
black ink pen on paper
29,6 x 21 cm


Opening Hidetoshi Nagasawa. 1969-2018

Casa degli Artisti

ph. Simone Panzeri


Opening Hidetoshi Nagasawa. 1969-2018

Casa degli Artisti

ph. Simone Panzeri


Opening Hidetoshi Nagasawa. 1969-2018

Casa degli Artisti

ph. Simone Panzeri


Opening Hidetoshi Nagasawa. 1969-2018

Casa degli Artisti

ph. Simone Panzeri


Opening Hidetoshi Nagasawa. 1969-2018

Casa degli Artisti

ph. Simone Panzeri

Hidetoshi Nagasawa. 1969-2018 at Casa degli Artisti, Milan

08.05.2024 – 04.06.2024

Hidetoshi Nagasawa. 1969-2018

curated by Giorgio Verzotti


from May 8th to June 4th, 2024
at Casa degli Artisti
Corso Garibaldi 89/A / via Tommaso da Cazzaniga, 20121 Milan
Tuesday – Sunday, 12.30PM – 7PM


Opening and dedication of the artist’s studio from 7PM

Reservation is recommended:, T +39 02 89094995


Opening of the third venue of the exhibition project promoted by BUILDING and naming ceremony of Hidetoshi Nagasawa’s studio at Casa degli Artisti with Tommaso Sacchi, Councillor for Culture of the City of Milan and Alessia del Corona Borgia, Vice President and Councillor for Culture of the Municipality 1.


BUILDING presents, from April 4th to July 20th, 2024, Hidetoshi Nagasawa. 1969-2018, a comprehensive retrospective curated by Giorgio Verzotti, dedicated to one of the greatest artists working in Italy since the late 1960s, located in three exhibition venues in Milan: BUILDING, Gallery Moshe Tabibnia, Casa degli Artisti.


The latter venue hosts, from May 8th to June 4th, 2024, a further exploration of the exhibition project, opening the doors of what was Nagasawa’s studio from 1978 to 2007.


On the occasion of the opening on Wednesday, May 8th, 2024 from 7PM, Casa degli Artisti will dedicate the studio on the first floor to the artist’s memory with an official ceremony open to the public.


Since 1978, giving new impulse to the activity of the Casa, Hidetoshi Nagasawa, Luciano Fabro, Jole De Sanna, and other artists, such as Paola Brusati and Giuseppe Spagnulo, occupied the building – which was abandoned at that time – and they restored it to its original function as a public space for the promotion of contemporary art, as the Bogani Brothers had envisioned it in 1909. For this purpose, over the years, there have been exhibitions of young artists of international renown, as well as moments of debate on art theory, which have made the Casa degli Artisti an essential point of reference on the art scene of the time – it is sufficient to think about the important restoration initiative of Giorgio De Chirico’s Bagni Misteriosi [Mysterious Baths] (1994), which can be seen today in the garden of the Palazzo della Triennale in Milan.


On the first floor of the Corso Garibaldi building, Hidetoshi Nagasawa, like Fabro and other artists, had a studio for about 30 years. In this very place, BUILDING, in collaboration with the current management of Casa degli Artisti, opens the third venue of the exhibition Hidetoshi Nagasawa. 1969-2018 by proposing a small collection of works intended to convey the more project-based dimension of the artist’s daily work.


Among the works on display in the exhibition, an important sculpture, Compasso di Archimede [Compass of Archimede] (1991), well articulates Nagasawa’s poetics, aimed at revealing the relationships of tension and balance in the body of the sculpture itself. This work is complemented by a selection of drawings, maquettes and preparatory casts – such as those for Albero [Tree] (1983), Lampo [Lightning] (1989) and Casa del Poeta [Poet’s House] (1999)-which give an idea of the artist’s conceptual and creative process and most of which are presented to the public for the first time.


The exhibition at Casa degli Artisti is thus part of the larger exhibition project Hidetoshi Nagasawa. 1969-2018 promoted by BUILDING, where a selection of 33 artworks, synthetically documents the entire span of the artist’s activity: from the videos testifying his early performances (in some respects similar to the Land and Body Art projects from the same period), passing by way of the first sculptures in which the gesture is always implied as the primary matrix and arriving at the large-scale sculptures, frequently based on daring acts of equilibrium, which were the works most frequently associated with Nagasawa.




from April 4th to July 20th, 2024

Hidetoshi Nagasawa. 1969-2018

curated by Giorgio Verzotti


Additional exhibition venues:

Gallery Moshe Tabibnia

from April 4th to May 25th, 2024
via Brera 3, 20121 Milan
Tuesday – Saturday, 10AM – 7PM

