Time in Process. Ratios, measures, connections. Lecture with Giovanni Campus

05.06.2019, 18:30-20:00

Time in Process. Ratios, measures, connections
Lecture with Giovanni Campus
With the presence of:
Giovanni Campus, artist
Francesco Tedeschi, exhibition curator
Silvana Borutti, philosopher
Sandro Parmiggiani, art critic
Carlo Pirovano, art historian
Emma Zanella, MA*GA Museum Director
2 Oct 2019 @ 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

On the occasion of Giovanni Campus. Time in Process. Ratios, measures, connections, an exhibition in two chapters – one at BUILDING in Milan on view until October 12 and one at the MA*GA Museum in Gallarate on view until November 10 –, BUILDING presents a lecture with the presence of Giovanni Campus and the exhibition curator Francesco Tedeschi.

Together with Silvana Borutti, Sandro Parmiggiani, Carlo Pirovano and Emma Zanella, they will review Campus’ work from a historical, artistic and philosophical point of view.

The lecture will be the occasion to talk about the project dedicated to the artist and relive his work. The philosopher Silvana Borutti will offer an analysis from the philosophical point of view, focusing on how Campus succeeds in expressing the concept of time, Sandro Parmiggiani will make a critical contribution, Carlo Pirovano will photograph scenes lived together with the artist, sharing them with the audience and Emma Zanella will tell the link between MA*GA and the artist.

The meeting will be an important moment also to talk about the ethical and conceptual teachings of Campus, which continue to have an extraordinarily original value.

Regarding to the meeting, Francesco Tedeschi declares: “Giovanni Campus tends to read the present as a trace of memory and projection of the possible, and especially as a concrete manifestation of a link between things, places, the sense of logical succession and the emergence of the unexpected. A ‘hic et nunc’ conversation directly with the artist in front of the single pieces and related environments, able to clarify his professional and personal path, manifested through monochrome surfaces intersected by iron elements, his way of acting during the course of time“.

