Visibilia. Come rendere visibile l’invisibile

22.10.2023 – 08.01.2024

Museo d’Arte Contemporanea of villa Croce, Genova


Visibilia is an exhibition curated by Isabella Puliafito that presents a collection of works of thirty-six artists chosen with particular care together with each individual artist to become a narrative. The works, including Remo Salvadori, Sophie Ko, Marco Andrea Magni, Arianna Giorgi, Michele Guido, cover a wide range of visual explorations from digital and non-digital photography to acrylic painting, from video to neon, from projections to installations with different materials. All together they are part, for a short period, of the space that welcomes them in a kind of open dialogue with the place itself, with the other works and with those who pause to scru- tinize their inner meaning.

