Silvia Mariotti

Silvia Mariotti (1980, Fano) lives and works in Milan. She has a degree in painting from the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino. She has attended numerous courses and workshops including the advanced course in photographic techniques at Spazio Forma in Milan and the workshop with Francesco Jodice at the Fabbri Foundation in Pieve di Soligo.

Mariotti’s practice involves stratifying elements drawn from history and literature, along with cultural and social symbols that evoke a sense of unreality, hovering between mystery and marginality. Using photography and installation, she restores atmosphere and lived experience to the image, revealing ambiguous worlds that give rise to a sort of temporal suspension, and open up to new interpretations.

She has exhibited her work in various galleries and public venues both in Italy and abroad, in the following solo shows: Verde, buio at the Specific Objects Gallery in Turin (2022); Not at First Glance at MGLC – International Center for Graphic Arts in Ljubljana (2020); Ogni particolare at Palazzo Falconi in Fermo, as part of the Karussell exhibition program, (2018); Melancholia at the Civic Museum of San Vito al Tagliamento (2018); Tre Notturni at Palazzo Ducale, Urbino (2018); Fronte invisibile at Villa Manin di Passariano, Udine (2016); Dawn on a Dark Sublime at the A plus A Gallery, Venice (2015); Io sono quello che tu fuggi at the Villa Colloredo Mels Civic Museum, Recanati (2014), and Attempts at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Lissone (2014).

She has also taken part in several festivals and group exhibitions including: How Far Should We Go? at the ICA Foundation in Milan (2022); Le tre ecologie at the MACTE Museum in Termoli (2022); Fosfeni. Fotografia, paesaggio e percezioni at the Fabbri Foundation in Pieve di Soligo (2022); How Many Landscapes at the Fondazione Cariverona in Verona (2021); Zeitgeber (donatore del tempo) at the ArtNoble Gallery in Milan (2021); LXX Rassegna Internazionale d’arte Premio G.B. Salvi at the Palazzo degli Scalzi in Sassoferrato (2021); Come trattenere l’energia che ci attraversa at the Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa in Venice (2021); Metafotografia 2. Le mutazioni delle immagini at BACO – Base Arte Contemporanea Odierna in Bergamo (2020); Argo. La fotografia italiana emergente at the Cattedrale Ex Macello in Padua (2019); Unidos da Barra Funda at the Olhão – artist-run space di San Paolo (BR) (2018); From Object To Exposure at TRA – Ca’ dei Ricchi di Treviso (2017), and This Is Today at the Civic Gallery of Piran (SLO) (2016).

In 2013 she won first prize for photography in the Celeste Award. In 2016 she was a finalist in the 9th edition of the Rome Talent Prize, and in the same year she attended the FAAP art residency program in São Paulo, Brazil. In 2019 she was a finalist in the award organized by the Rotary Club of Asolo, and in the same year she won the Level 0 award at GNAM in Rome as part of the Art Verona fair. In 2020 she published her artist book De uma estrala à outra, with Boîte Edition.



