Giovanni Campus. Tempo in processo / Percorso di lavoro
25.11.2023 – 02.12.2023
BUILDING TERZO PIANO, from November 25th to December 2nd, 2023, presents Giovanni Campus. Tempo in processo / Percorso di lavoro, a selection of line drawing works on paper curated by Francesco Tedeschi. The works on display constitute a selection from the larger repertoire of drawings collected in the publication Giovanni Campus. Tempo in processo. Rapporti misure connessioni. Percorso di lavoro 1955-2022. Disegni-riflessioni, edited by BUILDING.
The exhibition explores the fundamental role that the drawing process has played in the artist’s work from the 1950s to the present. Campus approaches drawing according to a humanistic, Renaissance conception, whereby in it is manifested his self-conscious reflection around the existing dialectic between rationality and perception, study and immediacy. Drawing is that design act from which thought is embodied in concrete praxis and through which the artist ultimately arrives at creation. Throughout the collection exhibited in the show, Campus demonstrates his usual dexterity, characterized by precision, confidence of line and clarity of vision. In these works, the ever-present relationship in his work between the methodological study of art and the boundless realm of the mind is illustrated and confirmed to the highest degree.
To inaugurate the project, Saturday November the 25th at 5.30 PM, was held the presentation of the catalogue Giovanni Campus. Tempo in processo. Rapporti misure connessioni. Percorso di lavoro 1955-2022. Disegni-riflessioni. The presentation featured the artist Giovanni Campus, Silvana Borutti Professor of Theoretical Philosophy and director of the philosophical journal Paradigmi, and Sandro Parmiggiani critic, art historian and contributor to newspapers and magazines.