Beyond the black Venus. Lecture

09.02.2019, 17:00-18:30

BUILDING is pleased to present Beyond the black Venus, the double ‘subaltern’ from Colonialism to Feminism. The artist Daniele Marzorati will open the lecture by talking about the reasons that led him to confront himself with the two art historians. Inspired by the theme of his exhibition, Deplacément (January 16-February 16, 2019) and starting from an analysis of the Louis Bouquet fresco at the Palais de la Porte Dorée, Giulia Golla Tunno will discuss the theme of the representation of black women’s body in European art during the ’30s. Objectified and hypersexualized, it becomes a metaphor of violent colonial conquest. Elvira Vannini, through the theme of the gaze, relates the representation of the female body in the history of art with the emergence of a new subjectivity of feminist practices included in the visual regimes of modern exhibition culture, searching for what Nelly Richard defines the “area of experience common to all the countries located on the periphery of the Western model dominated by the centrality of modernity”.



Daniele Marzorati – artist

Giulia Golla Tunno – art historian

Elvira Vannini – art historian

