Gianni Caravaggio

Gianni Caravaggio (Rocca San Giovanni, 1968) lives and works in Milan and Sindelfingen (Germany) where he grew up until 1990. After studying philosophy at the University of Florence, Milan and Stuttgart, in 1994, he graduated from the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera in Milan, where he currently teaches sculpture. The different forms and materials used in his works synthesize a metaphorical and evocative value. The works also make it possible to create meaning through the proposition of the title, involving the observer with his imagination and perception. The works also create meaning through the title proposition of the title by involving the observer with his imagination and perception. The artist describes his works as “Devices for Demiurgic Acts”.


In 2002 he received the PS1 Italian Studio Program Special Fund Award, in 2005 the Castello di Rivoli Prize and the Alinovi Prize, and in 2013 the ACACIA Prize. Caravaggio has exhibited at galleries such as kaufmann repetto in Milan and New York, Andriesse-Eyck in Amsterdam and Galerie Rolando Anselmi in Berlin and Rome. His first solo exhibition was held in 1997 at the Casa degli Artisti in Milan curated by Jole de Sanna, Hidetoshi Nagasawa and Luciano Fabro. In 1999 he took part in the workshop at the Fondazione Ratti in Como with visiting professor Haim Steinbach. Over the years he has held several institutional solo exhibitions in Italy and abroad: at Castello di Rivoli for the Castello di Rivoli Prize (2006), Scenario at Collezione Maramotti in Reggio Emilia (2008-2009), Enfin seul – Finalmente solo at Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain in Saint-Étienne Métropole and at MAGA in Gallarate (2014-2015), Iniziare un tempo II at the Museo Novecento in Florence (2018-2019), Als Natur Jung War at the Kunstmuseum Reutlingen/Konkret (2021-2022), Per analogiam at the Galleria d’Arte Moderna in Turin (2023-2024). In 2011, with philosopher Federico Ferrari he co-created the “thought/exhibition” Arte Essenziale held at the Collezione Maramotti in Reggio Emilia and at the Kunstverein in Frankfurt (2011-2012).


