La caduta – Performance by Ferruccio Ascari

13.12.2022, 18:00

At Basilica of San Celso BUILDING presents La caduta (2022), a performance by Ferruccio Ascari on the occasion of the exhibition Il Numinoso curated by Giorgio Verzotti.
During the dance-performance, conceived specifically for the space of Basilica of San Celso, we witness a transmutation from the level of the sacred, of the numinous, to that of the human: the dancer strips himself of his divine identity to assume that of a man who bears a burden of fatigue and pain, his daily cross.
A painful transmutation that takes place in the half-light of Basilica of San Celso through the use of light, an element that characterizes all the artist’s performance works. A light that is not projected onto the stage, but which, with a reversal of perspective, it is the dancer who carries onto his own body. Similarly, the use of sound also undergoes a reversal: the spectator, having crossed the threshold of the Basilica, is plunged into an excruciating sound space (a score by the artist himself), the sudden cessation of the sound marks the beginning of the scenic action that takes place in absolute silence; the resumption of the sound coincides with the end of the performance.


December, 13th 6PM

at Basilica of San Celso, Corso Italia 37, 20122, Milan

dancer: Alessio Pandiani

Limited places, reservation only.

RSVP: or +39 02 89094995

Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the start of the event.
The performance lasts approx. 20 minutes.
It will not be possible to film or photograph the event




Ferruccio Ascari (1949) lives and works in Milan. In the mid-1970s, after graduating in Philosophy, he embarked on an artistic career. In his early days, he was involved in site-specific installations and the contamination of visual arts and the arts of the time (music, dance, performance), as well as painting and sculpture, with an openness towards the different languages of art that characterises his entire artistic career. From the mid-1980s onwards, he concentrated on painting and sculpture, in particular on the technique of fresco painting on canvas. His work gained international attention with his participation in a special project at the 29th. Venice Biennale (1980), the exhibition Arte italiana 1960-1982 (ICA Gallery, London, 1982) and, in the same year, the Biennale Giovani in Paris. In the following years, he maintained his initial aptitude for exploring different linguistic territories, and continued his work in a secluded manner, a prerequisite for him for authentic artistic research.



