Fabrizio Cotognini

Fabrizio Cotognini (Macerata, 1983) lives and works in Civitanova Marche. His research is characterized by a constant reference to the ancient revisited in a contemporary key. Time, memory, myth are central elements in his work, explored through history, literature, architecture and theatre. In his works these languages ​​meet and merge, giving life to complex narratives in which iconography and writing enhance each other. His medium of choice is drawing, expressed on wood – often working on ancient engravings of which he is a passionate collector – in the form of an artist’s book or in work diaries.

Passionate about alchemy, he conducts tireless and methodical research and experimentation on materials and production processes for both two-dimensional works and sculpture, in particular working, in recent years, with microfusion.


Having graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts of Macerata in Painting and Sculpture in 2009, winner or finalist of several Italian artistic prizes, including Cairo prize, he began exhibiting in group exhibitions in 2003, at just twenty years old, and in solo exhibitions since 2011 in Italy. He has created site-specific projects upon invitation and commission of public institutions, including Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin; Parco dei Fori Imperiali, Rome; Palazzo Buonaccorsi, Macerata; Teatro Anatomico dell’Archiginnasio, Bologna; American Academy, Rome; Archaeological Museum, Salerno; Palazzo Ducale, Urbino; Palazzo Magnani, Reggio Emilia; Pastificio Cerere, Castel Sant’Elmo.

His works have also been exhibited abroad, including at ICI, Bern; Oficina, Barcellona; ​​Hero gallery, Amsterdam; ICI, Caracas; Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales, La Havana; National gallery, Georgia. His work has been presented in important events including the Thessaloniki Biennale, Manifesta 12, the Drawing Biennale, the Mediterranean Biennale and collateral events of the Venice Biennale.



