Sophie Ko

Sophie Ko (Tbilisi, 1981) places the issue of time at the center of her artistic practice by establishing a strong symbolic relationship between the materials used – mostly ashes of burnt images and pure pigments – and the images created. The change and instability of materials in relation to the flow of time are some of the constants of her artistic research.
Her most recent personal exhibitions include: Geografie Temporali, International Gallery of Modern Art of Ca’ Pesaro, Venice, 2019, Sporgersi nella Notte, Renata Fabbri Arte Contemporanea, Milan, 2018, The Open Box, Milan, 2018, Terra. Geografie Temporali, Galleria de’ Foscherari, Bologna, 2016, Silva Imaginum, Renata Fabbri Arte Contemporanea, Milan, 2015, Solo Show, AplusB Arte Contemporanea, Brescia, 2014.

She won the Grand Prize of Painting at the MAC of Lissone in 2016.


